Sunday, May 15, 2016

AP English Course Reflection

During this year long course it went by in a flash. As I reflect back on my AP English course I learn numerous things that will help me for my final year of high school next year. I came in as a decent writer who need a little guidance to become a good writer. I believe that I have became a good writer with the help of my AP teacher, Mr. Rease. I also expanded my vocabulary to be a better writer and reader. Furthermore, I became a better student and start to live up to my potential. In addition, I learn how to be a better critical thinker when analyzing text. I use to think reading class was easy and I did have to give much effort to receive an A, but now I know to receive an A I have to work harder. Lastly, I'm thankful for being in this course and I feel this course will help me in the long run

Friday, April 22, 2016

My ACT review

        During the time period I took the ACT test there were several things I took away from the test. I felt I did pretty good overall on my test. Some of my struggle was probably on science because of the word and the multiple charts I had to read. Furthermore math was probably easy if I took the math ACT part last year, but I had forgotten several things. My test environment was pretty good but it was a quite a few students sleep. Also, I felt I was prepare for the English part of the exam.
         Next, I think I should have study more because if I knew extra material I would have excel in every part of the test. I think I made in the 20-25 range on the exam. My goal was a 28, but the day of the ACT I was tired from extracurricular activities and did not get much sleep. From my analysis B.C Rain did not prepare us like the last couple of years. In addition, I did not receive any ACT exam I feel I can ace the test next year.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The American Dream

The American Dream is when one achieve success freely and has the opportunity to be financially stable. Furthermore, the American Dream can be when one achieve success through hard work determination. Also, the American Dream can be when someone has a great family, job, and house. My American Dream to be a aerospace engineer and own my own international company. Also I would want to be a millionaire or billionaire. In addition if I couldn't obtain some of my goal I would at least want to be a great father, coworker, husband, role model and be very financially stable to spoil my  family.

What is your American Dream?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Power of Kindness Will overwhelm You

To me kindness means to treat others how you would want to be treated. Kindness means being sincerely nice to rude individuals. It means going out of your way to help others when you don't have to/want to. Kindness is when you give a helping hand to someone in need of help. Furthermore, I truly feel a rush of joy when I help someone. I feel a sense of pride and love when I help I person in need. I feel like I part of a movement by any act of kindness that a attempt. Also one can so a act of kindness by simply giving someone a helping hand. One can show an act of kindness by helping the homeless or people in trouble and need help. The kindness thing someone did for me was when  a ride home when it was serve thuderstorm and even offer me a meal after a long day at football practice. I was truly touch because I did not know them and they could have let me walk home in the rain. When some says thank you too be a take it to heart because I know did a act of kindness out of love. If I had a million dollars I would set up a system where I provide a home and food for the homeless. Furthermore I would donate to children charities for foster kid and trouble teens. Lastly I would try to build our community where they are able not to live in poverty.

Lastly, Kind gesture I would due for a easter weekend is to volunteer at local homeless shelters and visit sick kids at USA children and women hospitals. Act of kindness is more valuable to anyone in need of help.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A letter to Governor Bentley

    Dear Governor Bentley,

       My name is Daniel Smith or Pastor Smith I am a local Pastor of Bayonne Baptist church, and a community leader in Bayonne in Louisiana. One of my passion is to help young teens and adults to stay out of the streets and make a name for themselves. I have been a leader in the community for 25 years. My goal in life is to see young people in my community as future leaders. Also, I love helping families in need of income by having the church and community raise money to help out with families in need. Several years ago I started a program for young males so they can learn about God and become well manner citizens in our society. My program is call "God Helping Hand". I have been married for about 20 years and I pride myself in being a role model for young teens and adults.

       Furthermore, I knew Jefferson since he was fifth-teen years old. The first time I meet him is when he had been lost in a local grocery store. He was wondering around, and a old lady left her purse and, I though to myself o lord he going to steal her purse. Instead of taking her purse he ran to her and gave her the purse while she was heading to her car. After he walk her to her car I knew Jefferson was a man of charchter. I ask him to join my program so I could help guide him to be a leader in the community. Jefferson became a member of my program and start right away in helping young black teens to stay out of trouble.

       Lastly, Governor Bentley I am asking can someone reduce his sentence to life in prison instead. He is not a bad human being he love everyone and just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If he is in prison for life he has time to think of his actions. He never commit a crime before, have mercy on him and let him repent for the sins he committed. Having life in prison will build pride and help give him a second chance in the eyes of God. I am asking Governor Bentley that in your heart do you believe taking someone life will solve anything and we can take a life leave that to God. Hopefully you reduce his sentence, and I would be honored if you just think about what I am asking please!

            Sincerely, Pastor Smith

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Phenomenal And Outstanding Qoutes of Lesson before Dying Chapter 18&19

Chapter 18 - Quotation 1 - Page 141 

"I love you more and more," I said. "If you'd just say the word, God knows I'd drop everything.
"And hate each other for the rest of our lives, Grant? No," she said.

"I could never hate you---ever."

Question 1: What is the theme of the quote. I choose the theme of love because how Grant felt about Vivian. The quotes tell of how much he loves her. I believe that she is his everything. Lastly I believe he love her more than she love him. He does not want to leave and I feel she needs him

.Question 2: What the conflict indicated. I think that Grant is too in love with Vivian and don't want to leave her. He also use excuse like love to keep him from doing task. I think love is blinding for him.

Chapter 19 - Quotation 1 - Page 151
"She was right; I was not happy. I had heard the same carols all my life, seen the same little play, with the same mistakes in grammar. The minister had offered the same prayer as always, Christmas or Sunday. The same people wore the same old clothes and sat in the same places. Next year it would be the same, and the year after that, the same again. Vivian said things were changing. But where were they changing?"

Question 1: What is the theme? I chose the theme of disappointment. I felt Grant was disappointed with his community. He see no difference in his community. Vivian said his community change but he believes not.

Question 2: The conflict indicated. I thought that Grant does not see no good in his community. He is very disappointed in his community. He believe his community is hope less.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Fabulous Quotes of Lesson Before Dying (chapter 16-17)

Chapter 16- pg. 119 Questions 3 and 1

"One thing before we dismiss class. I want you all to remember one person during Christmas season"

The quote do indicate a conflict. The conflict is the one person he referring to is Jefferson. By my analysis I can infer that Grant is thinking about Jefferson being in prison. Furthermore, Jefferson being in prison is affecting Miss Emma by causing her emotional pain. Grant also affected because Jefferson a friend and he is going insane(from my understanding) in prison.

I selected  the theme of pain for my quote. I thought that pain was surrounding Grant when it comes to Jefferson. The situation was hard for Miss Emma while visiting. The quote has a deep meaning to me because when Grant thought about Jefferson situation it causes him pain.

Chapter 17-pg 129 paragraph 3 Questions 2 and 3

" You can talk like that;you know go'n to walk out here in a hour. I bet you want be talk like that if you where staying here."

The quote in my opinion characterize Jefferson. He is very bitter about being in prison. He hates that Grant visit him and talk about how much pain this cause Miss Emma. Also he does not care about much anymore. He is like a turtle with out his,
/her shell.

I believe this quote indicate a conflict. I think the conflict is man versus self because my analysis is that he is depress. Also, he does show much emotion and hate his self. Also man versus man because he hate Grant visiting and talking about how much pain Jefferson causing.