Saturday, March 5, 2016

A letter to Governor Bentley

    Dear Governor Bentley,

       My name is Daniel Smith or Pastor Smith I am a local Pastor of Bayonne Baptist church, and a community leader in Bayonne in Louisiana. One of my passion is to help young teens and adults to stay out of the streets and make a name for themselves. I have been a leader in the community for 25 years. My goal in life is to see young people in my community as future leaders. Also, I love helping families in need of income by having the church and community raise money to help out with families in need. Several years ago I started a program for young males so they can learn about God and become well manner citizens in our society. My program is call "God Helping Hand". I have been married for about 20 years and I pride myself in being a role model for young teens and adults.

       Furthermore, I knew Jefferson since he was fifth-teen years old. The first time I meet him is when he had been lost in a local grocery store. He was wondering around, and a old lady left her purse and, I though to myself o lord he going to steal her purse. Instead of taking her purse he ran to her and gave her the purse while she was heading to her car. After he walk her to her car I knew Jefferson was a man of charchter. I ask him to join my program so I could help guide him to be a leader in the community. Jefferson became a member of my program and start right away in helping young black teens to stay out of trouble.

       Lastly, Governor Bentley I am asking can someone reduce his sentence to life in prison instead. He is not a bad human being he love everyone and just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If he is in prison for life he has time to think of his actions. He never commit a crime before, have mercy on him and let him repent for the sins he committed. Having life in prison will build pride and help give him a second chance in the eyes of God. I am asking Governor Bentley that in your heart do you believe taking someone life will solve anything and we can take a life leave that to God. Hopefully you reduce his sentence, and I would be honored if you just think about what I am asking please!

            Sincerely, Pastor Smith

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